Floor Repair in Montana and Wyoming

If you have a settling concrete foundation slab or uneven floor around your home, we have solutions to permanently correct them. Each floor repair system permanently lifts concrete back to its original position, even lifting non-load bearing walls that may have also shifted with foundation settlement.

To determine which is right for your home’s symptoms, our team at Yellowstone Structural Systems provides free inspections to residents in Montana and Wyoming. Reach out to us today to schedule yours.

How Floor Repair Systems Work

Our floor repair systems correct cracked and sunken floors or concrete slabs after they suffer from foundation settlement. Each solution works for various problems like upper-level floors sagging, cracked foundation floors, and other cement slabs around your home.

IntelliJack™ Crawl Space Support System

If you have sagging or uneven floors on the first level of your home, it typically means that your crawl space beams or joists are failing. This is largely due to excess moisture causing wood supports to rot and sag. Our IntelliJack™ Crawl Space Support System installs underneath the floor joists to raise them to their correct position. In case of any future sagging, the jack supports are adjustable so the issue can be resolved again quickly.

huge crack in floor

Floor Crack Repair

We recommend SettleStop™ Pier Systems for floors that have developed cracks from foundation or slab settlement. These reach deep into the soil around or beneath your foundation to provide permanent stabilization and support, lifting your floors back to their original position.

Compaction Grouting Solution

If you have a cracked or uneven foundation floor, our probe injection is a deep repair system used to stabilize and lift your floor back to its original position. The foam we use for this solution is lightweight and expands to compress the soil under the slab and restore it.

Schedule a Free Floor Repair Consultation

If you have symptoms of foundation failure in your home, reach out to our repair experts to learn how we can help. Our certified installers provide free foundation inspections for residents in Montana and Wyoming. After we diagnose the cause of your symptoms, we can recommend the best possible solution to permanently restabilize your home.