Protect Your Life’s Biggest Investment - Your Home.

Foundation problems are the last thing any homeowner wants to deal with, and most of our customers initially assume that foundation repair is an overwhelming and expensive project. At Yellowstone Structural Systems, we have better, simpler options. Equipped with experienced professionals and expertly engineered products, our team is prepared to stabilize your foundation in the most cost-effective and minimally invasive ways possible.

Learn the Signs of Foundation Settlement

A common problem with any foundation is settlement. What may start as a small crack can get significantly worse over time, leading to even more foundation problems. The foundation repair experts at Yellowstone Structural Systems understand that addressing foundation issues early is the key to preventing further damage.

How can you tell if your foundation is settling? We hear this question from our customers all the time. There are some tell-tale signs that indicate a settling foundation. These signs occur in different ways, and some can be more obvious than others. The good news is, we can help. Our certified design specialists are trained to diagnose any foundation issue and recommend a permanent solution. Here are some things you can look for, too:

What Causes Foundation Settlement?

Foundation problems start from the ground up. The condition and type of soil around your foundation directly affect your home’s stability. More compacted soils like bedrock and gravel are stronger and offer better support for your foundation. Softer soils such as peat, silt, and clay absorb more water, causing them to expand and shrink as the weather varies. Other factors such as weather, gutter placement, and foundation drainage systems can all contribute to foundation settlement.

installed wall anchors

Our Foundation Repair Solutions

We offer free inspections in Montana and northern Wyoming so we can see exactly what’s going on before you invest in any repairs. Once we recommend a solution, you can trust that all of our foundation repair systems will provide your home with:

  • Permanent stability
  • Competitive foundation repair warranties

Get a Free Professional Inspection in Montana or Wyoming

If you notice symptoms of foundation settlement in your home, the first step is to call an expert. At Yellowstone Structural Systems, our team is specially trained to identify specific foundation issues and solve them with the best possible techniques and products on the market.