Foundation Wall Crack Repair in Montana and Wyoming

Cracks in your home’s foundation are usually a big cause for concern. Some cracks may be normal, but only a professional can truly determine whether cracks are a sign of foundation failure. If you notice cracks in your foundation walls, it’s important to set up an inspection with a foundation repair expert as soon as possible. These issues only get worse with time.

At Yellowstone Structural Systems, we understand how overwhelming it is to experience structural failure in your home. That’s why we always strive to give our customers the best care possible. Our highly trained experts are equipped with the highest quality foundation repair products available. They will carefully assess your home, from layout to soil types, to understand and diagnose the issue at hand. We will never recommend a solution that isn’t right for your home.

Recognizing the Signs of a Foundation Problem

The first step to correcting your foundation problem is learning how to recognize what is normal and what isn’t. Foundation cracks come in many shapes and forms, and not all of them indicate an issue. For example, small cracks that happen when concrete cures don’t usually indicate a problem. These are the most potentially dangerous cracks to be aware of:

  • Stair-step patterns
  • Cracks larger than 1/8-inch wide
  • Cracks that are leaking water
  • Cracks that change or get worse

Do your foundation wall cracks look unsafe? The team at Yellowstone Structural Systems is ready to help. Schedule a free inspection today.

Causes of Foundation Wall Cracks

Cracks in your foundation walls can happen for a few different reasons. The three most common are weather-related soil disturbance, poor compaction during construction, and hydrostatic pressure. Shifting, settling, and oversaturated soils can cause significant damage. Walls that begin to bow or buckle under pressure will usually exhibit large, horizontal cracks. With any of these problems, it’s imperative to have the cracks diagnosed by a professional before they get worse.

water pouring into basement

The Real Dirt on Foundation Problems

Foundation problems happen for four unavoidable reasons: overly dry soil, oversaturated soil, poorly compacted soil, and the type of soil around your home. Each of these, or a combination of these, leads to things like foundation settlement, foundation heave, and a multitude of other symptoms that happen due to structural problems.

Schedule Your Free Professional Inspection

Have your foundation wall cracks diagnosed by an expert. At Yellowstone Structural Systems, we have effective foundation repair solutions backed by warranties, expert techniques, and the best products available on the market.