Don’t put your investments at risk. Schedule routine maintenance services today!
Every home appliance needs preventative services. Your dehumidifier and sump pump systems are no different. Neglecting to take care of them can result in machine failure, leaving you with water in your basement. Things like dirt and sediment build-up can affect your waterproofing systems, making it harder for them to keep running at top performance. Eventually, they can become clogged and completely stop functioning.
Annual Routine Services
Our sump pumps and dehumidifiers need to be serviced every year to keep them working and prevent machine failure. During your scheduled routine check-up, we’ll perform a list of essential maintenance tasks for each system.
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Sump Pump Maintenance
- Check each system component for correct operation
- Clean sediment and dirt from sump pump liners
- Change your pumps alarm battery
- Ensure the discharge line is clear and performing
- Complete a basement inspection for water damage
- Provide suggestions and implement solutions where necessary
Dehumidifier Maintenance
- Adjust controls if needed
- Service the filter system
- Clean the heat exchange core
- Ensure the blower is performing
- Inspect the refrigeration system
- Check the cold coil operation
Request Your Appointment Today
Keep your investments protected. Fill out our form to request your annual routine service, and someone from our team will contact you to confirm your appointment. Please note that this form does not guarantee an appointment.
Are you looking to install a new system to protect your basement and crawl space from water? Yellowstone Structural Systems offers free estimates to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming residents.