Sump Pump Service in Montana and Wyoming

Like any other home appliance, sump pumps consist of a lot of components and need to be maintained regularly. If it’s been a year or more since you’ve had yours checked, it’s time to make an appointment with an expert.

At Yellowstone Structural Systems, our sump pump technicians not only install systems but also perform annual maintenance and repairs. Reach out to us to learn more and schedule your service.

Annual Service & Maintenance

Our sump pump installation techs always recommend a yearly checkup to make sure your system is operating at peak performance. It can save a lot of time and money down the road to prevent problems before they happen. During a maintenance appointment, our technicians will perform the following services:

  • Test float switch and clean intake valve
  • Check battery performance
  • Ensure the discharge line is flowing freely
  • Diagnose potential problems and suggest upgrades

Our Waterproofing Systems

If you have a sump pump in your basement, chances are your home could benefit from our other waterproofing solutions. At Yellowstone Structural Systems, we carry only the best options for keeping floods, foundation leaks, and mold out of your basement and crawl space. Our waterproofing professionals will conduct a free inspection and consultation to determine what kind of potential water damage your home is susceptible to and which of our products will protect it the most. Annual maintenance of your sump pump includes every component of waterproofing that we have installed as well.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If your sump pump needs an annual checkup or repairs, reach out to our team to make a service appointment. While we’re there, we can perform a free inspection to see if there are other waterproofing solutions that would be beneficial to add to your home.